Posted by: theaarongershfield | February 7, 2008

February 7, 2008

Hmmm…yesterday someone did compliment my eyes, but that was really the only unexpected praise I received.  And as far as people being demanding of my time, well…that’s not really true.  I mean, my work demands a lot of my time, but no one really asked me for more of my time yesterday.  Let’s check out today’s horoscope:
Your bolder, more social self is coming to the forefront right now — so get out and about. Try to go on at least one adventure. Pick a place, then get planning. But don’t go solo when you can join a bunch of fun-loving folks who know how to have a lot of fun. One of the best ways to appreciate where you are in life is to surround yourself with the people you have chosen to include in your life. Remind yourself just how incredible your friends really are.

Well, I am going on a date tonight.  That could be an adventure.  I’ve been dating this girl for a few months now, she seems pretty cool but you never know.  I will have to remind myself how incredible she is.  Actually, now that I think about it, she is kind of incredible, and she’s a lot of fun.  So already the horoscope is pointing in the right direction…

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